District 24
District 24 Comprehensive Educational Plan (DCEP)
DCEP Goals:
Priority 1- All Students Learn to Read Well
- Goal 1- By June 2025, there will be an increase of 5% of All Students including 3% ELL and SWD students, who achieve level 3 or 4 on the NYSED ELA exam.
- Goal 2- By June 2025, there will be an increase for K- 2 students who will be at or above benchmark by the close of EOY window on the Reading Composite Score (RCS) according to Acadience or MCLASS screeners. All students 5% increase in proficiency, SWDs and ELLs 3% increase in proficiency
Priority 2- All Students are Physically and Emotionally Safe
- Goal: - By June 2025, District 24 will increase the number of teachers trained in social emotional learning and restorative practices by 10% resulting in a 2% decrease in year over year suspensions.
Priority 3- All Students Have a High-Quality Academic Experience
- Goal:- By June 2025, D24 will use mandated triannual screener data to accelerate learning through targeted enrichment and interventions in order to increase student proficiency levels in grades 3-8 by 5% in Math on the NYSED Math Exam. In Grades 3-8 : All students 5% increase in proficiency, SWDs 3% increase in proficiency, ELLs 4% increase in proficiency.
Priority 4-All Students Graduate College and Career Ready
- Goal: By June 2025, District 24 will increase favorable NYCPS student survey response rates by 3% by expanding STEM programming, Civics Education, and increasing exposure to College and Career Readiness Curriculum and access to career professionals through Career Day Programs.
Priority 5- All Districts and Schools are More Inclusive and Responsive to Parents and Families
- Goal: By June 2025, D24 will increase parent engagement by 5% as evidenced by the number of parents participating in monthly engagements.